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Dr. Shalini Bhambri                                                                             Dr. Anju Walia
         Coordinator                                                                                          Principal
        Mrs.Manju Grover      



(Information about Nameof Society, Location of Regd. Office, Area of operation, aims and objects, Conditions)


The name of the Alumni Association (AASNSCOE), with its present address Sant Nischal Singh College of Education, Santpura, Yamuna Nagar-135001. It will be a recognized Alumni Association, the Register of Societies, Jagadhari, Yamuna Nagar, Haryana. Henceforth the  Alumni Association of Sant Nischal Singh College Of Education, Santpura, Yamuna Nagar will be known as AASNSCOE in this constitution.

Aims and Objectives:

  • To provide a forum to enable the alumni to keep contact with one another.
  • To utilize the expertise and resources of alumni for all-round development of the college.
  • To receive donations from alumni for betterment of infrastructure facilities in the college
  • To award scholarship, prizes and medals from the poor and the meritorious students with contributions from alumni.
  • To enhance library and laboratory facilities with the assistance from alumni.
  • To organize seminar conferences workshops and expert lectures for sharing the knowledge and experience of resourceful alumni.
  • To organize annual convention of alumni with social, literary and cultural programmes.
  • To confer honorary awards or other distinctions to distinguished alumni.
  • To utilize the expert services of alumni in academic and administrative reforms.


The income and property of the Association shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Association as set forth in the Memorandum of Association and no portion there of shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to the members of the society.

No member of the Association shall be appointed to any salaried office of the Association, or any office of the Association paid by fee, that no remuneration shall be given of out of pocket expenses and interest on money lent or for premises to the Association.

The Association by its constitution is required to apply its profit if any, or other income in promoting its objects.

if upon the winding up or dissolution of the Association there remains after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any properly whatsoever, the same shall no be paid to or distributed among the members of the Association but shall be given or transferred to some other institution having objects similar to objects of the Association to be determined by the members of the Association at or before the time of dissolution.

III. Membership

  • The membership will be open to all the students (old as well as present & coming) teaching staff as well as new interested utilizing the expertise and resources of alumni for all-round development of the college.
  • The membership forms will be valid only after the approval of the Managing committee.
  • The membership is free for all the students of the college:
  • If a member is found to be working against the aims and objectives of AASNSCOE, he can be removed by the Managing Committee after due notice.

IV. Powers and Functions of AASNSCOE
Alumni Association of Sant Nischal Singh College of Education for Women Yamuna Nagar, shall have the powers interalia:

  1. To hold or dispose of real or movable property in trust or otherwise, received or acquired, or the prosecution of the subjects above or any of them.
  2. To accept donation or grants in money or in kind, in association or otherwise for the above named objectives.
  3. To initiate and/or grants in any such enterprises or association pertaining to the objectives of the AASNSCOE.
  4. The association will be competent to delegate any or all of its powers to any authority of the AASNSCOE.

V. Authorities of the AASNSCOE
The general body of AASNSCOE, consisting of all the members will be the supreme authority of the Association. Under the general body, a Managing Committee consisting of (a) President (b) Vice-president (c) General Secretary (d) Joint Secretary (e) Treasured and (f) 10 members will be constituted with such powers and functions as provided under this constitution.

VI. General Body

  1. The meeting of the general body will take place at least twice a year.
  2. 1/3 of the body will form the quorum for the meeting of the general body.
  3. The General Secretary in consultation in consultation with the President shall call an annual meeting of the general body fro which a notice of 1month will be essential. The agenda for this meeting will also be circulated to the members along with the notice and shall positively include the following:

(a) Annual Report
(b) Financial Report and the Audited statement of the accounts of the previous year
(c)  The financial estimates for the next year
(d) The emergency meeting of the General Body can be called by the General Secretary on a notice of a week. Such a meeting can be called upon a written requisition by not less than 1/7 members of society.